Questions & Answers
We know you might have several question so we compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions on this page. Should you not find the answers you’re looking for here, please use the contact form below or call our intake office and we’ll be happy to answer anymore questions you might have.
How long is the discipleship program?
Twelve months—give or take—depending on specific court orders and whether the client is free from discipline or set-backs.
What do I need to bring?
Bring enough sets of clothing for a week. Include twin sheets and linens, pillow, and toiletries, as well.
Do you work with probation and parole departments?
Yes, we work with TN Probation and Parole Departments and out-of-state probation and parole departments.
Do you offer vocational training and life skills?
Yes, we are contracted with DHS and provide job coaching, job readiness, and training and life-skill classes.
Do you offer GED classes?
Yes, some of our clients have already received their GED diploma.
Do you accept registered sex offenders?
No, we do not. We operate on church grounds during the day and are also extremely close to an elementary school.
When is visitation?
We have visitation once a month on Sunday afternoons. Clients also get weekly phone calls to their approved family and loved ones.
Do you offer family or marriage counseling?
Yes, we do if clients in our state-licensed program request family or marriage counseling, or if it’s part of the client’s treatment plan.
Do you accept insurance?
We are legally able to take insurance, but currently, we only take private pay for our state-licensed program.
What if the client can’t afford the clinical program?
He will be enrolled in the discipleship program if he wishes.
Do you accept women?
Yes, in our outpatient clinical program. Currently, our residential discipleship program is men only.
Do you accept referrals?
Yes, there is a referral link to use for all referring agencies or parties.
Do you allow medication?
Yes, we allow certain types of prescribed medication for mental and physical health concerns.
Do you allow nicotine?
Yes, but only vape pens. We believe in meeting people where they are; however, we encourage our clients to quit nicotine for their general health and long-term recovery needs.